Train with the most experienced* and unique AB 1825/2053 and workplace investigations & healing process training team in the United States —

Picture of Stephen F. Anderson

Stephen F. Anderson
Sexual harassment training methodology featured on 20/20 and has delivered live training to over 140,000 personnel

Stephen’s expertise and experiences include:
  • Sexual harassment training methodology featured on 20/20, News Station (TV Asahi, Japan) and Oprah
  • Live training courses selected EVERY time by employers who used a pilot training program selection process, i.e., Mobil, Whirlpool, City of Kansas City, U.S. Forest Service (forest-wide sexual harassment training was mandated as part of a settlement in a class action sexual harassment case)
  • Since 1980 designed and created interactive awareness-building sexual harassment training concepts such as Intent vs. Impact, Subtle Sexual Harassment, Myth vs. Facts, Live Theater Resolution Dramatizations, and Story-based prevention and skill building training activities
  • Authored How to Effectively Manage Sexual Harassment Investigations, published by Bureau of National Affairs (BNA, Inc.), 1988
  • Written and produced video-based and online harassment, retaliation and discrimination training programs and materials used to train over 4,000,000 employees

Our Clients

  • Children's Hospital Los Angeles
  • BNP Paribas
  • Lockheed Martin
  • DST
  • Mercedes Benz
  • Amgen
  • PennyMac
  • Mobil
  • Monsanto World Headquarters
  • Cirque du Soleil
  • Prudential
  • Southwest Airlines
  • California Chamber of Commerce

What our clients’ HR professionals learned


"We found Anderson-davis, Inc.'s training and consulting services useful for investigating and healing sexual harassment situations as well as other types of discrimination. Time well spent!

Barry Dobson, Group Director, Human Resources
Whirlpool Corporation

This program teaches attorneys, experienced and new HR professionals how to avoid mistakes and do an objective and disciplined harassment investigation.